Thursday, 30 May 2013

Finding your photo style - Week One

I have just finished week one of the new class over at Big Picture Classes found here.  We are experiencing a week of rain, snow, and black clouds which makes for not a lot of fun outside and even less fun taking photos for this cool new class.  Funny though how taking a class can really open your eyes to the opportunities all around you that you would otherwise be blissfully unaware of. 

Our first assignment was to take a photo using colour as the focal point (in a nutshell).  I have the ultimate photo idea in my head but need a break in the weather to pull it off, so I just cruised through my photo files and happened upon all of these neat photos that all have that bright, fun, cheery element to them.  I never realised why I liked these photos so much, but now thanks to Maggie Holmes I can see it is the colour that captivated me!



Our second assignment required the use of 'open shade' which basically means a shaded area that still has enough diffused light from the sun to highlight a subject.  I'm sure others could do better to describe it than that, but there you have it!  I took a photo of B standing next to our shed - it was late afternoon so the sun was going down to the back-left of the shed (or a nor-west direction as you look at him).

He makes for such a willing subject!  Truth be told, B is a photo bomber expert and is constantly on the look out for me to photograph him.  I reckon he would be a great model - he stood exactly where I asked and how I asked and even had this expression because I asked it of him - so compliant! Lol.

Maggie asked that we adjust our photos using an action in Photoshop.  Since I don't have the full version of Photoshop yet I used Photoshop Elements 11 and Radlab which Cathy Zielske has been teaching me in this class. 

Looking forward to the next assignment.  It's all moving a little fast, so I'm not getting much in-depth reasoning or learning how to use my camera to it's fullest potential, but then that wasn't the goal of the class either.  I will just hold on for the ride and see where it takes me, and I may even find my own 'photo style'.

See ya

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Cathy Zielskes Clean & Simple: The Workshop (Week Eight)

Hi y'all, I hope that you have enjoyed viewing my pages so far.  There are only four more to go!  So sad, but oh well - maybe Cathy can be convinced to run a Clean & Simple: The Workshop - Part Two!!!!  Maybe a whole band of my amazing classmates can 'band' together to persuade her, what do you reckon?!

Anyhoo... I was so on to it this week that I had completed my page within the first two days of the assignment being posted in class!  That's a first, heehee.  I found it so much fun playing around with the text and getting it to line up perfectly etc.  It really played to that perfectionist side of my personality I think.  We are certainly getting into the nitty gritty side of things with Photoshop Elements (well I think so), and I am loving it!

This week we had the opportunity to play with the opacity of our photos as well as learning about type.  Once I had completed my page I just didn't feel that usual sense of satisfaction that I get when I have put my all into a project and believe that it is well done.  I think that the photos I chose really lost that 'wow' factor when the depth of colour was lessened.  Especially the top photo of my Knight!  I posted in class anyway and got some amazing responses that boosted my confidence a lot, but also challenged me to revisit the page anyway.  So, like advised, I went with my gut and re-did it.  Thanks girls (if you happen to visit this blog and read this) I really appreciate your input and value your judgement.

Version one.. see?  It's just not quite there aye?  So I tried again...

Ahhh... that's better!  Do you agree?  I did matt the top photo collage on red too but it did nothing for the layout, but it did for the second attempt.  There's my knight on our wedding day in the top photo.  He has gorgeous brown eyes so I guess that is why this b/w looks better too.

Journalling reads:
  • Who would’ve thought that we would be where we are now?  Certainly not me!  Shane was 30 years old and had been a bachelor for as long as he was an adult!  It’s not that he wanted to be, he just wanted to wait until the right person came along, and apparently that was to be me!  I wouldn’t say that I was the ‘right’ one either, but I am sure glad that he thought that way because now I have a husband who really is hand-picked by God for me (even though at times I may not feel it).  He saw in me something that I didn’t even see in myself, and he reached out even when that meant that the ideals he had in his head of a relationship (and eventually marriage) didn’t quite match up with the reality.  His cousins’ wife always told him that the girl for him was out there but that she was in a place in her life where she wasn’t ready, and how prophetic those words turned out to be!  He believed.  He truly is amazing.

I hope that the journaling makes sense to the reader.  I think that when you write from an emotional viewpoint it may come across as nonsensical to the reader who doesn't know your background.  I hope that isn't the case with this writing. But if knowing the following helps then all the better..

Shane had dreamed of his future wife and what it would be like for years.  He had a girlfriend for a short time when he was a teenager, but really had no idea about women as his mum had left his family when he was just the tender age of nine.  When I came along I had the bruises of a life marked with violence, rejection and neglect.  I had lived many 'lifetimes' in the space of 10 years and it showed.  It basically didn't bode well for this young man with a relatively unaffected life, but he believed in the power greater than all and trusted that I was the one for him.  I am forever grateful in a way that may be incomprehensible to some.

Anyway, that was a very short story l.o.n.g. (get it? I'm an egg I know, lol), and so ends this weeks assignment.  Thanks for taking the time to read.  Please comment if you feel the call to; it's amazing what so few words can do to build up those around us.  Have a great week.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Cathy Zielskes Clean & Simple: The Workshop (Week Seven)

Here we are... week seven of Clean & Simple: The Workshop.  There is only five weeks to go and already I am feeling sad it is slowly coming to an end!  I am so getting into this class.  Cathy is a brilliant teacher - I would recommend her to anyone wanting to learn anything scrapbooking/digital scrapbooking/photography/design.  I will certainly be on the band wagon next time it passes round!

Anyway, this week we had to complete a layout without journaling.  The photos were to tell the story.  There are some amazing examples in the class so it is well worth a hunt/look on the Big Picture web site found here to see what my classmates came up with.

I whipped this up just today! Just goes to show how wonderful Cathy is (a more fab teacher you wouldn't find elsewhere - have I said that enough?).  My page is a deep purple (my sons fav colour of the moment). Photos left to right, top to bottom are: drawings (he loves love loves art); lego; his new basketball shoes; buddy bear (I knitted it for him when he was a baby); the boy himself on his beloved Nintendo; his Action bible; WWII books (he is fascinated - and he's a read-a-holic); Bruno Mars (his choice of music at the mo - even though I don't agree with/like it - typical grandparents - they get away with (buying him) anything!)

Hope you like my page, and check in again for next weeks instalment!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Cathy Zielskes Clean & Simple: The Workshop (Week Six)

We're halfway!  I can't believe how fast the last six weeks have gone.  It is true the ol' saying - 'time flies when you're having fun'!  Our assignment this week was one that Cathy referred to as 'extreme minimalism' scrapbook style, and it was.  That is what I love about this workshop.  Get rid of the fuss and stuff and focus just on really good design and getting a story down.  I added quite a bit to my layout and still it is minimalist! 

            My whole world changed when you were born Little B.  All of a sudden I had this precious little bundle to look after.  I found my purpose in you, and for those first two years of your life I was completely absorbed with you and your world.  You brought a dimension to my life that I cannot even describe fully, but I think I never really lived until you did.  I believe we will always have a special connection - you need me but I need you too.  It is through you that I have seen myself, the good and the bad.  You have stretched me to my utter limits then comforted me (yes me!) when I can take no more.  I maintain the opinion that you will indeed be a man of God, I see him hidden in there under all those layers that come together to make you the precious gift that you are.  We had a life together for these first two years that I will forever cherish in my memories.  You grew as I did.  We each taught one another the value of this life even though you may never realise it.  You are the child of my heart.

          Fast forward ten years and my firstborn is twelve!  Your life has changed dramatically in a decade - more than the usual kid I believe.  You lost one Dad in so many ways and yet gained another - one hand-picked by God especially for you.  See, Jesus knows your every need and is more than capable (and wanting) to supply them.  You must remember this.  You needed siblings and now you have three!  I know lots of Mums say this but, for you it is true, you ARE the best big brother.  Yes you bicker and fight and they get on your nerves but you are tremendously loyal and they love you.  Our world would spin off its axis if you were to not be in it.  I rely on you so much which I know is hard at times.  Being the eldest you have had a lot of ground to break, but true to form you have risen to the challenge and proven yourself indispensable.  How many babies want their big brother instead of their mother?  You were the first one to get a cuddle from Petals, now that is saying something isn’t it?

Did you notice the typos on my layout because I sure did!  Anyway, there it is.  Assignment no.6 complete.  It was an 8 1/2 by 11 inch spread that I just mounted on 12 x 12 to suit my album but you see my point about minimalism aye?!  I'm looking forward to the next assignment but before that I need to get onto my other class see here.  The last couple of weeks have gotten away on me (well, every week since before the school holidays to be honest) and I haven't even looked in at the classroom!  Naughty me - I pay then don't play!  I've signed up for two more classes too but I'm not even going to mention them because they haven't started yet - phew.  I am quickly becoming a Big Picture Classes addict!

Hope you have a great week,

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Cathy Zielskes Clean & Simple: The Workshop (Week Five)

Yippee!  I finally completed my assignment for the week.  I sooooo underestimated the amount of time that this page would take me.  It has been great fun putting it together though.  The things that I am learning in Cathys class are invaluable (and it is building on my confidence using this computer immensely too!).  Seriously, if you want to take better photos - use Radlab.  I put in a link with the last post here.  It just takes any photo from drab to fab in a flash!

Here is a picture of the final product...

Yup, its a pocket page - hence the hefty amount of time it has taken to produce.  The goal for the assignment was to document one day out of your everyday ordinary life - which is great because sometimes I just get bogged down in making pages for the kids, birthdays etc and forget that I have a story to tell also!  Anyhoo, we had ten pockets to make up, each containing a journal card that detailed something that was happening in our own lives for any given hour.  On the back of each journal card is a photo of that same hour/activity etc.  I just loved doing this.  I am a list maker at heart and so having this whole day planned out in advance was right up my alley! 

With my newly acquired skills (heehee) I was able to make documents in PSE so I could post each of the journal cards and photos for this blog.  So, from the top...

I always have more to say than the space that I have to say it in!  I actually set my alarm for 6:30, but going to bed after midnight is not conducive to an ability to rise early is it?  Still, I was better today than I was yesterday when my knight had to come in and wake me at (gasp!) 10 to 8!!!  The children do not, I repeat, do not, like me rushing them at the last minute!  It's no good for anyones nerves, heehee.
 I really do love seeing my harri-hedgehog growing up and getting more independent.  Each little hurdle he overcomes is one less that I have to teach him so I try to make the most of each one.  It's a privilege really, and I love being the person that he turns to for help.

I really liked this photo but it just didn't fit in with the journaling I had planned.  Still, I can put it up here can't I?
 This is the view on the way to school.  Isn't it wondrous?  It never ceases to amaze me - the scenery.  We are so blessed to live in this land, to drive to school and partake in this masterpiece of our Creator.

Running while pushing a pram uphill while taking a photo is NOT easy!  I must've looked a site to anyone that drove past, hee hee!


I wanted to use this photo too, but space being what it is..

 So that's it!  Just like the other assignments I want to recreate this one also.  There is time enough for that though - I need to get onto Week 6 first!  I hope you liked my page, and more than that I hope you are inspired to get into Photoshop and RadLab and start playing with digital scrapbooking.  I can't say it enough, it really is so much fun and so much easier than you think!

Until next week,

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Cathy Zielskes Clean & Simple: The Workshop - Week Four

I am so behind!  These holidays we have been from one end of the North Island to, nearly, the other!  Not much time to be had in between times for the assignments to be completed aye?!  I got there in the end though...

Here is Little B, what do you think?  In class this week we got to play with a photo using Photoshop Elements and RadLab which is totally cool.  I fully recommend using it.  You can find the link to purchasing the programme here.  The photo above is obviously not the best (my cropping could do with a bit of help) but you get the idea of the page anyway. 

We also played around with making our own page elements, ie. the washi tape.  This was so neat, and empowering (I think I may be slowly converting to digital!)  B loves bright purple so I decided to use that as a starting point for the colour combo.  In the photo it looks more blue than purple, and it is in real life too, so I definitely have to play around a little with the colours before printing out my final elements from now on.

Its a good start aye?  I am going to work on recreating it for the other kids next, so watch this space.

Thanks for looking,